Bing ADS (CPC & PPC) on Bing Search & Network Partner

Bing is Microsoft's version of a holistic search engine with over a billion unique visitors per month. Bing is quite popular, sure, though it's not nearly as popular as Google being the world's biggest search engine, but it's an impressive and powerful platform in its own right. While many people know and love Google for search, advertising, and its synergy, it tends to overshadow a valuable complementary PPC marketing platform that is Microsoft. The fact of the matter is, if you're running a digital marketing campaign, it might be a mistake to ignore Bing and all the possibilities that Microsoft Ads (formerly known as Bing Ads) can offer you.

By 2019, Microsoft's Bing search engine was responsible for more than 936 million searches per month. Bing is the second most used search engine for desktop search, which means that recognizing how people are using it can help you extend your marketing reach through this often-neglected platform. As this year began, Bing accounted for more than 6% of the global search market(hyperlink: ), and its ad network has become large enough to pocket more than $7.6 billion a year for Microsoft. Additionally, Bing Ads can spread across its entire ad network, meaning advertisers can access high-value audiences across the web.

Since the Bing search engine is owned by Microsoft, when you advertise with Bing Ads, you're also advertising on Yahoo, AOL, MSN, and various other associated websites. A huge benefit of using Bing's advertising options is that you fill in any gaps in your ad campaigns that you might be missing by focusing solely on Google.

Bing represents 6% of the global search engine market that number sounds insignificant but it actually amounts to reaching a whopping number of 63 million users. If you're not using Bing Ad service, that's a significant amount of wasted opportunity. The search engine has 936.5 million monthly global visitors and about 12 billion monthly searches worldwide which makes it a worthwhile investment. It is also important to remember that Bing is constantly growing and improving.


How does it work?

The concept of Bing Ads is basically the same as Google Ads. Microsoft Advertising is a pay-per-click (PPC) platform designed to help you reach specific audiences, increase traffic to your website, and increase your revenue. Bing ads look mostly the same in SERPs as Google ads, and their overall title and metadata length are about the same. Bing Ads works on an auction system, similar to Google's, where advertisers can show relevant ads to users who search for those keywords. Marketers can target search keywords for a chance to have their ad appear on search results pages and pay a small fee for each click. This form of search advertising remains one of the most popular forms of internet advertising because it continues to be so successful.

Why invest in a Microsoft Ads Campaign?

While most businesses choose to stick with the Google Ads, neglecting Bing Ads is a bit like putting all your eggs in one basket. In fact, there are also some differences between Bing and Google that may even make it a better choice of ad service for some companies. Here are a few of them:-

(1). Lower Competition

One of the most significant advantage Bing has over Google is that the platform isn't as competitive. That means advertisers on Bing can benefit by having better ad positions and cheaper CPC.

Bing represents 6% of the global search engine market that number sounds insignificant but it actually amounts to reaching a whopping number of 63 million users.- Anger Mathe

(2). Better Costs

Advertising on Bing costs less than Google. Bing Ads uses similar auction dynamics to Google Ads auctions, so Bing advertisers have a number of advantages from the lack of competition, such as better ad positions and lower Cost-Per-Click or CPC, which is on average 33.5% cheaper with Bing.

(2). Better Click-Through-Rates

According to a Wordstream study(Hyperlink: ), the average click-through rate (CTR) for Bing Ads is 1.25 percent, while it's only 0.86 percent for Google Ads. That means, depending on what you're selling and who you're targeting, Bing may be the missing piece of your marketing strategy puzzle.

(3). Social Media Extension

Bing recently began implementing and testing social extensions(hyperlink: ) for its PPC ads, which allow advertisers to promote their social media accounts through search results. Bing beats Google in social media promotion since Google favors its own social network, Google+. It focuses on its own dedicated social network to the exclusion of other more popular social sites. Bing, on the other hand, offers more flexibility in the social media extensions category.

(4). Windows Featuring

More than 1 billion people use Windows 10. Since Microsoft owns Bing, it redirects a lot of traffic to its own search engine through Cortana and the search bar at the bottom of the computer screens using Windows OS.

(5). More Transparency & Granular Control

Unlike Google Ads, Bing allows you to have much more transparency and customizable options for your ad campaign. For example, you can assign different time zones to different campaigns. This makes it much easier for you to manage sophisticated ad planning strategies, especially if your campaigns reach abroad. Also, Google offers paid search advertisers two options at the campaign level that is to either target Google search or target Google search and search partners. There is no in-between or alternative. You cannot target only search partner sites or exclude a specific search partner. You have no option to even check which partner engines are driving traffic to your site. Bing, on the other hand, allows users more options and the flexibility to target only Bing and Yahoo, only search partners, or both at the ad group level.

(5). Invest in Advertising with Bing

If you want your advertising to reach more traffic to the world's search engines and drive more potential customers to your website, it may be time to consider Bing Ads. Although Bing accounts for a small percentage of the global market share, Bing ads still reach millions of people. However, if you're wondering whether Bing Ads is worth it, it depends on the individual needs of your business.

Working with a professional Bing Ads management team can help you map out your specific goals and what your campaign could look like. This is the path most companies take. While running ads may look like a straightforward operation and sound like a simple affair, it actually takes a lot of necessary analysis and game-planning in order to drive high-quality and consistent traffic to your website that will earn you more money than it will cost. An expert digital marketing firm can help any business generate valuable leads through competent social media marketing. Our services are designed explicitly for businesses that do not have a ton of experience in online marketing.

There is a significant degree of difference between an amateur ad campaign and a professionally optimized ad campaign, that difference, needless to say, has a strong impact on your ROI. Our digital marketing experts create a suitable marketing campaign based on your business niche and marketing budget so that you may establish a profitable reach to your potential audience on Twitter. We evaluate your website and consider your industry requirements to make your online advertising as efficient as possible.